Portable Generators for FIshermen

Written by Weekend Angler on June 16th, 2009

Some fishermen like to rough it, but others, myself included, are attached to creature comforts and modern technology. If you’ve ever seen the inside of some of the fancier ice fishing houses in northern Minnesota, you will certainly know what I’m talking about. Modern life and conveniences pretty much require electricity. Portable generators make electricity possible in places you never thought of finding it.

51404KSDXAL._SL160_Just think of the things that a portable generator can power up on your fishing trip. Fish finders, sonar, and weather radios need a source of reliable source of power.It is not only when you are deep into the lake that you will need this essential source of power. Even at the water’s edge, it is still quite useful. There are many things that will require this energy, such as a lights, heaters, or stoves. You can even use a microwave oven if you can generate the required watts.

Although your main goal is to fish, you may want to bring your laptop along to help make your trip more successful. For instance, with an internet connection, you can receive updates on weather patterns or emails informing you about suitable fishing locations. You can also stay in touch with family in case of emergencies. Although you can use a laptop on batteries, they may not last for your entire trip. You can use a portable generator to power the laptop as well.

There are basically two types of these handy power generators: fuel and battery ones.

Fuel generators

These often use either diesel or gasoline. They usually give more power output, ranging from some hundred watts to as much as five thousand watts. This means that they can power almost everything at home let alone during your fishing trip.

Battery generators

You probably won’t hear them referred to by this term. Instead, they are more commonly known by such names as UPS systems or just power supplies. These systems are like the ones you use to back up your computer during power outages at home, but they are slightly larger and give more power. However, they are smaller when compared to fuel generators both in terms of size and power output. Their advantages over the former are that they operate silently and do not pollute the air. They are also ultra portable.

Additional Considerations

  • Portable generators can cost anything from a couple hundred dollars to a couple thousand, depending on the type and capacity.
  • Weight is another factor to consider if you plan to move the unit around.
  • Some generators are wheeled tom make moving them about easier.
  • A noisy generator may be great in an emergency, but it may drive nuts otherwise.

Be sure to read the reviews on Amazon before buying a generator.

Although you will have your own preferences as to the type of portable generator you should use, you should ensure that you will get sufficient power for a long time. In the long run you want a portable generator that is durable, reliable, provide sufficient power, and fit your budget.

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